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Fun Fact
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Under National Health Mission Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Government of India
India has a great tradition of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Homeopathy and Yoga to provide comprehensive health care. For time immemorial, these ancient systems of medicine are catering for the need of the Indian population. People have faith in these medicines which are cost-effective, accessible and easily available in every part of the country. These systems were officially recognized by the centre and state governments but had been operating in isolation to cater for the health care needs from the village level to the district level.
The umbrella term AYUSH is the acronym of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. There are many areas where the traditional systems have evidence of better cure and disease management e.g. Ayurveda has a better cure for certain chronic lifestyle disorders like piles, fistula, jaundice, arthritis, menstrual disorders; Unani in menstrual disorders, leucoderma; Siddha in psoriasis; Homeopathy in allergic disorders. Similarly, Yoga and Naturopathy have proven strength in managing lifestyle disorders and psychosomatic diseases. Therefore there is a need for service integration by providing the best from each system to patients.
With the establishment of the National Health Care Mission, a conscious decision was taken to mainstream AYUSH systems at PHC, CHC, SDH, DH, WH etc. As a core strategy of NRHM, the AYUSH doctors and paramedics are being posted at these institutions. This has provided the AYUSH and allopathic health services under the same roof which is very convenient to the consumers. It also provides a choice of treatment to the patients.
Dr. Supriya Guntoorkar
Dr. Swapnali Deshmukh
Ku. Sonali Yadav
WIFS: School-based program, State Departments of middle and senior schools will implement the program. The school system is responsible for the Distribution of IFA, Providing dietary counselling to adolescent boys and girls in government/government-aided schools.
Goal:- To institute a school-based weekly IFA supplementation (WIFS) program for control of Anemia in adolescent boys and girls attending classes 6 to 12 years government/government-aided/Municipal school.
PMHS: This program will be targeted at Adolescent girls in the age group of 10-19 years, residing in rural areas to ensure that they have adequate knowledge and information about the use of sanitary napkins.
To increase awareness among adolescent girls on menstrual hygiene, build self-esteem, and empower girls for greater socialisation.
To increase access to and use of high-quality sanitary napkins by adolescent girls in rural areas.
To ensure the safe disposal of sanitary napkins in an environment-friendly manner.
Yoga system practised in India is having a great heritage and long history. It takes care of all the aspects of human personality at the physical, mental, social, spiritual and emotional levels. It aims at the development of a perfect balance between body and mind that permits to attain liberation from all kinds of suffering and can be practised by those who seek an education on better living and those who want to have a more meaningful life. It is also very effective to prevent and promoting health through drugless therapy as it develops all-round health.
Health and Yoga
All the systems of medicine at their best aim at curing the disease whereas Yoga aims at preventing the disease and promoting health by reconditioning the psycho-physiological mechanism of the individual along with curing the problem.
Principles of healthy life in a nutshell are
1 AHAR (right food) 2 VIHAR (right exercise)
3 ACHAR (right conduct) 4 VICHAR (right thinking)
5 VYAVAHAR (right living)
Yoga practices for healthy living
The Important Yoga practices are 1 Satkarma 2 Asana 3 Mudra 4 Pranayama 5 Pratyahara 6 Dharana 7 Dhyana 8 Samadhi
Naturopathy is the technique of treatment of human disease which emphasizes assisting nature. It is a system of healing that believes in stimulating the body’s inherent power to regain health with the help of five great elements of nature; Prithvi, Aap, Teja, Vayu, Akash etc. it provides not only a simple practical approach to the management of diseases but a firm theoretical basis which is applicable to all the holistic health care system.
Naturopathy asserts that disease are the body efforts to purify itself ,and that cures result from increasing the patients “vital force” they claim to stimulate the body natural healing processes by ridding it of waste products and “toxins” at first glance, this approach may appear sensible.
However, a close look will show that naturopathy’s philosophy is simplistic and that is practices are riddled with quackery. Naturopathy is based upon the tendency of the body to maintain a balance and to heal itself.
Naturopathy places priority upon these conditions as the bases for ill health
Lowered vitality
Normal composition of blood and lymph
Maladjustment of muscles, ligament, bone and neurotropic disturbances
Accumulation of waste matter and poison in the system
Germs, bacteria and parasites which invade the body flourish because of toxic states which may provide an optimum conditions for their flourishing
Various DH, SDH, RH, WH in Maharashtra have AYUSH pathies in their infrastructures. Out of 8 women’s hospitals in Maharashtra, Daga Memorial Govt. Women’s Hospital, Nagpur also has AYUSH department since 2012.
It consists of Ayurveda and Yoga & Naturopathy faculties. Ayurvedic medicinal treatment and wherever needed, Panchkarma therapies are provided here. Yogic postures and Natural cure remedies are also suggested for healthy living.
Other than ANC and PNC patients, general patients complaining of joint, respiratory, skin, gastrointestinal, neuromuscular, genitourinary, anorectal and other lifestyle disorders like diabetes, obesity etc. are treated with Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathic concepts.
The yearly celebration of National Ayurved Day, International Yoga Day.
Yoga classes for nursing students and garbhsanskar guidance to pregnant ladies.
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